
Our Process

Our methodical and Scientific recruitment procedure is divided into 6 parts

  1. Pre screening by recruiters once the profiles are received.
  2. Technical screening by Subject matter experts as a second level of screening after the initial pre screening by recruiters.
  3. Client interview (Virtual OR F2F based on Client preference) along with the trade test.
  4. Pre Medical Check ups.
  5. Processing of resumes and obtaining visas by the Sponsorer/Overseas Client.
  6. Obtaining Emigration clearance/Ticketing.
Step 1
  • Step 1

Every Foreign employer (FE) who intend to recruit manpower from India, must get themselves with ministry of E-Migrate system (Govt of India). Afterwards FE can generate power of attorney and demand letter in our favour online. On receipt of these documents, with details like classification of workforce needed, required Education and Experience and Remunerations offered by you, we will go ahead with the next steps. Our first focus will be on referral candidates. As a secondary source, we refer to our Data Bank for suitable candidates. If no suitable person is available in the Data Bank and Electronic Job Portals, we go ahead with releasing the Advertisement in leading Indian Newspapers.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
  • Step 2

We are associated with leading Trade Test Centers, equipped with state-of-art facilities to gauge the technical expertise of prospective candidates. Thus ensuring 100% productivity on-site.

Step 3
  • Step 3

Visa processing depends upon the procedures adopted by the particular country, to which the Applicant is selected. Accordingly this process will be completed.

  • Get statutory medical check-ups.
  • Visa stamping.
    Emigration Clearance from the Protector of
  • Emigrants (Govt. Of India).
  • Ticketing, Intimation of journey dates to Employers.
  • Pre departure orientation to the employees who are travelling.
Step 3
Documents Required
Documents Required
  • Documents Required
  • Power of Attorney: A power of attorney in our name to recruit Indian workers on your behalf in the format enclosed.
  • Demand Letter: A demand letter with details about categories of workers required with salary offered and other terms & conditions.
  • Employment Agreement: One specimen Agreements / contract copy in accordance with norms laid by the Indian Embassy.
    Commercial RegistrationCeificate Copy.
  • Authorisation Letter: A letter addressed to your consulate in Mumbai to get their permission for visa processing. (In case of K.S.A.).